Regulating Viral Gene Expression with Aptamers

来源 :中国上海第七届国际新药发明科技年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pxghq
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  Aptamers are oligonucleotides identified within a library of randomly synthesized candidates of large complexity (up to 10e 15 different candidates).They are obtained via a combinatorial process called SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponantial enrichment).Aptamers targeted to any kind of molecules (amino acids,vitamins,proteins,nucleic acids) are ligands of high atTnity and exquisite specificity due to their 3D structure.Selected RNA or DNA molecules are amenable to chemical modification for improved nuclease resistance and increased in vivo lifetime.They can be easily conjugated to various pending groups by conventional nucleic acid chemistry on solid support.We developed aptamers that target viral RNA structures.We demonstrated that such aptamers inhibit in vitro key steps of the HIV-1 and HCV cycle.Aptamers have also been raised against a marker of tumors that were converted into tools for imaging.Therefore aptamers show a promising potential for both diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
本文简述了西门子VIDEOMED S高分辨率电视系统的基本功能和控制原理,并列举了该部分故障的维修实例。
Pancreatic cancer is used as an example to demonstrate the versatility of modulating oligonucleotides to form triplex forming oligonucleotide drugs or aptameric G-quadruplexes with decoy effect by con
The RNA genome of HIV-1 is encapsidated as a dimer.The two single strands are held together by the formation of a loop-loop complex (or kissing complex) at a specific Dimerization Initiation Site (DIS
G-quadruplexes represent a family of nucleic acid secondary structures which can be formed by certain guanine-rich sequences in the presence of monovalent cations and are stabilized by G-quartets.[1]O