
来源 :2018年中国质谱学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bsbs
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  目的 良、恶性胸腔积液鉴别一直是困扰临床的难题,由于肺癌诱发的恶性胸腔积液与结核诱发的良性胸腔积液有着极为相似的理化特征,亟需采用新的技术手段辅助临床诊治。本研究旨在通过代谢组学的研究方法,运用质谱技术对肺癌、肺结核患者胸腔积液中的代谢轮廓谱进行全面、多维的描述,为临床提供诊断依据。
斑马鱼(Danio rerio)是发育生物学研究中常用的模式脊椎动物,其基因组和人类具有较高的相似性。斑马鱼胚胎在体外发育,发育周期短,体积较大且通体透明,便于进行各类发育生物学研究。
The SHC1 adaptor protein directly binds to all members of the HER/ERBB receptor tyrosine kinase family and forms a critical link between the receptors and downstream effectors1,2.
最新统计显示,食管癌在世界范围肿瘤发病率中位居第六、致死率居第七,其中每年约有50%的新病例发生在中国1.我国食管癌患者以食管鳞癌(ESCC)为主,早期食管癌患者无明显症状,多数患者在确诊时已处于疾病中晚期,其5 年生存率不足20%2,因此开展与食管癌早期诊断相关的研究具有重要意义.
Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry is a powerful tool in the field of “bottom-up” and “top-down” proteomics.
Acylcarnitines are exerting a variety of biological functions depending on the differences in lengths,saturation levels,and conjugation groups,which to a great extent contribute to the challenges of a
神经胶质瘤是最常见和致命的颅内肿瘤,具有瘤体生长快、浸润性极强、放化疗抵抗性和容易复发等特点。胶质瘤的易复发性和放化疗抵抗性与胶质瘤干细胞(Glioma Stem Cells,GSC)密切相关1,靶向治疗肿瘤干细胞也逐渐成为一个新的治疗途径。
Background: The goal of this study was to detect novel modified forms of hemoglobin using mass spectrometry(MS)and to investigate the effect of modified hemoglobin on HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose(
Bacteriophage lambda has been used as a model for understanding gene regulation or “genetic switches” for many years.
The proteins in the circulatory system reflect the individuals physiological and disease states.However,many protein biomarkers used for clinical diagnosis are present at very low concentration in bod