System Performance of U-tube Solar Water Heaters

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:radeon0118
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  System performance of a solar water heater depends upon collector and storage tank design (dimensions, insulation, pipe connections, etc.) and weather conditions (solar radiation intensity and ambient temperature).A tropical country like Malaysia has widely fluctuating and intermittent solar radiation.It is neither practical nor feasible to conduct outdoor tests such as that proposed by International Standards.Indoor collector tests are expensive to conduct and would not provide meaningful information to the domestic or commercial end user.Outdoor system tests would be more informative to consumers who would like to compare the water temperatures that could be achieved in order to choose from the wide range of commercial products available.This paper reports the results of outdoor tests conducted on a natural convection solar hot water heating system incorporating an array of evacuated glass tube U-tube solar collectors.The collectors were of the "balcony" type and mounted in a near vertical position with the solar tank located a short vertical distance above.Because of the vertical mounting of the collectors, system performance would depend upon its orientation.Tests were conducted with the solar collectors facing North, South, East and West and the results compared.
根据多年的栽培实践并参考外地经验,我们总结出代料发酵处理,保证平菇稳产高产的措施,其单产比常规栽培方法提高20%左右,方法如下: 一、晒料。在播种前期将栽培料摊放在阳光
蔡元培是中国近代史上著名的教育家、思想家,他一生清廉正直,耿介拔俗,被毛泽东誉为“学界泰斗、人世楷模”。蔡元培一生经历了三次婚姻,这三次婚姻正好印证了蔡元培一生思想的变革,也印证了中国近代史的变迁。   ●第一次婚姻 父母之命性格不合 婚姻:旧式   1889年,蔡元培迎娶了他的第一位夫人王昭。蔡元培的第一次婚姻,可以说完全是奉父母之命、媒妁之言的旧式婚姻,此时的蔡元培在婚礼之前甚至从来没有和王昭