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’Nickel Allergy’ sometimes occurs when nickel containing articles are in direct and prolonged contact with the skin, leading to corrosion of elemental nickel by sweat, liberating sufficient nickel ions to be absorbed through the skin and initiate an allergenic effect. EU ‘Nickel Restrictions’ impose limits on the amount of nickel released from articles intended for use in this application, but permits a non-nickel surface coating that can ensure the rate of nickel release does not exceed 0.5 μg cm-2 week-1 after two years of normal use. The official tests for coated articles are simulated wear and corrosion under EN 12472, followed by determination of nickel release under EN 1811, and articles shall not be placed on the market unless they pass these tests.Earlier work showed bright nickel coatings with top coats that would prevent nickel release will pass these tests. Regular(conventional) chromium deposited from a hexavalent electrolyte was the low-cost benchmark, while microporous chromium and electrophoretic polyurethane organic coatings were also satisfactory, with all preventing nickel release. But regular(conventional) trivalent chromium top coats deposited from proprietary chloride and sulphate electrolytes over bright nickel failed the test nickel release.However, this latest works shows that microporous trivalent chromium deposits passed the tests satisfactorily and bright nickel plated articles with that top coat will qualify for placement on the EU market.
<正>患者,女,52岁,主因:言语障碍,睡眠增多,吞咽困难2 d入院。患者既往有甲状腺机能亢进病史2年,每天口服他巴唑10 mg。未监测甲状腺功能。查体:T 37.2℃,R 20次/min,P 80次/