The Trend of Snoring in familial Aggregation

来源 :中国睡眠研究会第八届学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong554
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  Objective: To investigate the correlation between snoring in parents and children and to understand the genetic predisposition to snoring.Methods: A sampling survey of 11,163 residents over the age of 14 from 2,862 households was conducted in Guangxi, China.The survey data were collected by using physical examinations and household questionnaire surveys.Based on the pattern of snoring in the parents, the surveyed families were divided into four groups: group A, no snoring in parents; group B, snoring in fathers; group C, snoring in mothers; and group D, snoring in both parents.Results: The incidence of snoring in sons, but not in daughters, graduallv increased from 6.2% in group A to 17.6%, 22.9% and 37.5%, in groups B, C and D(p<0.05).The analysis of the odds ratio (OR) for the standard families showed that when group A was used as a control, the OR of snoring in children in groups B, C and D was 3.25 (95% CI: 1.81-5.84), 4.64 (95% CI: 1.96-10.96) and 7.55 (95% Cl: 3.61-15.79), the OR of snoring in children in group D was affected the most, there was no significant difference between groups B and C.Conclusions:There are trend of familial aggregation in snoring in Chinese population, the sons appear to have higher risk to snoring in families either snoring in father or mother.
日本美术评论家代表团于1988年9月访华后,团长河北伦明、副团长桑原住雄先后在《日中文化交流》第444、447期发表文章谈访问观感,现摘译如下: After the delegation of Japane
【摘 要】本文从《思想道德修养与法律基础》课开展课堂辩论的必要性谈起,分别探讨了课程辩论的选题、实施与反馈情况,并针对实施过程中的一些不足,提出了改进的方向。  【关键词】思想道德修养;法律基础;课堂辩论  从2009年开始,我就开始尝试在《思想道德修养与法律基础》课上开展与课程内容相关的课堂辩论活动,经过三年的探索,数十次现场辩论的实践,参与的学生们无不反响强烈,课堂气氛热烈,教学效果良好,我
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  目的 通过对肥胖OSAHS患者进行整夜多导睡眠监测(PSG)和经皮二氧化碳分压(TcpCO2)的同步监测,初步探讨肥胖OSAHS患者睡眠期TcpCO2的特点及波动程度,分析睡眠期TcpCO2变化