Effect of glycine site/NMDA receptor agonist d-CyCloserine on opioid dependence

来源 :第十四届中国神经精神药理学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kedy830622
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  OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of d-Cycloserine (DCS) on morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) and heroin-induced self-administration (SA) for extinction and relapse.METHODS ① CPP mice were trained on a CPP procedure (4 morphine, 10 mg·kg-1, and 4 saline pairings with 1 of 2 compartments).Immediately follow ing the CPP test before all extinction training DCS 7.5, 15, 30 mg· kg-1 was ip given.
目的 分析2018-2019年冬春季江阴市流行性感冒(以下简称流感)病毒的活动趋势,探讨百度指数在常规流感监测中的补充应用.方法 通过江阴市既往研究结果确定9个特定关键词,选择2
  OBJECTIVE To investigate changes in functional connectivity in the control circuitry of both healthy normal sub jects and heroin dependent subjects using th
目的 了解警察职业倦怠和心理资本的现状及关系.方法 采用整群随机抽样法,于2019年9-10月选择四川省某警察战训基地224名警察为研究对象,采用《Maslach职业倦怠调查普适量表
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目的 分析ATPase6,8在纳米氧化锌(ZnO NP)诱导正常人肝细胞(HL-7702)线粒体氧化磷酸化能量代谢障碍中的作用,为ZnO NP疾病防控提供基础数据.方法 透射电镜和马尔文粒径分析仪
目的 评价淄博市蔬菜中砷(As)、镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)和汞(Hg)的污染状况,评估经膳食途径摄入重金属的人体健康风险.方法 对2015-2019年采集的612份叶菜类、根菜类、果菜类和茎菜类
  OBJECTIVE To investigate the training, extinc tion with cue isolation and reinstatement models of heroin see king.METHODS Training: Male Sprague-Dawley rats
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