Hard-to-design Roll Passes Completed with Roll Design Software Suites

来源 :第九届中国钢铁年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwzwzrzr
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  Hard-to-design roll passes contain large number of constrains such as fewest passes,smallest groove-width,lowest roll diameter,and most types/numbers of products from fewest billet sizes.Extra complexity exists in multiple pass sequences diamond-square and round-oval,and for high-strength and high-spread materials.The design requires large number of trial-and-error attempts,each considering steel grade,speed,and temperature,etc.for accurate prediction of width,force and forward-slip,etc.This paper illustrates real-world projects for hard-to-design roll passes,such as those for POSCO stainless steels in which a new breakdown mill was to be added into an existing plant and many constrains exist.Rolling requiring interstand tension is also discussed in the paper.Metal Pass Auto-Form and Free-Form roll pass design suites was used in the trial-and-error designs.The AutoForm suite allows any mill engineer to perform roll pass design by simply filling in mill operation parameters.The FreeForm suite gives roll pass designers full freedom in designing groove and pass parameters and specify spread behavior of metal if prefer; these powerful packages also incorporate tension correction for spread and forward slip into the metal deformation prediction.The FreeForm suite can be used not only to design new passes,but also to study and improve existing ones; particular attention is paid to the special requirements in designing high-speed finish blocks.
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