Nonvolatile Bipolar Resistive Switching Memory Device Based on Polypseudorotaxane of β-Cyclodextrin

来源 :河南省化学会2018年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaohw123456
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  Polypseudorotaxanes constructed through the encapsulation of conductive polymers by cyclodextrins(CDs),namely,“insulated molecular wire”(IMW)have attracted increasing interest in the field of supramolecular chemistry [1-4].
Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite materials have drawn wide attention in various ranges of applications such as solar cells, lasers, photo detectors and memory devices.
The synthesis and characterization of novel thermal-resistant polyamides containing cyclohexane structures are reported in this study.
Spinel nickel cobaltite(NiCo2O4)is one of the best candidates for pseudocapacitive SC electrode material due to its rich redox reactions and ultrahigh theoreticalcapacitance.
The polyphthalamide(PA6T)as a semi-aramide polyamide have been mass produced as heat resistant polyamides which exhibit excellent mechanical,chemical,and physical properties.
Poly(butylenes succinate)(PBS)is a typical half-crystal thermoplastic plastic,and have received considerable attentions due to its advantages such as high melting point,good thermal stability and biod
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A series of optically active polyamides,PAnLATs(n = 9-13),were prepared by polycondensation of L-tartrate-derived diacid with achiral aliphatic diamines in which the number of the methylene is from 9