【摘 要】
Communication includes verbal communication and nonverbal communication.The function of nonverbal communication in intercultural communication cannot be neg
【机 构】
College of Foreign Languages, Xinxiang University, Xinxiang, China, 453003
【出 处】
The 2011 International Conference on Education Science and M
Communication includes verbal communication and nonverbal communication.The function of nonverbal communication in intercultural communication cannot be neglected.This paper discusses nonverbal communication and cultural differences in intercultural communication.
Not long ago, the Russ
Outward-bound training is a newly emerging sports item.It attempts to integrate outward-bound training into college physical education.Outward-bound trainin
摘要:小学高年级特别是毕业班,常有一些学生情绪反常,出现厌学、辍学甚至离家出走的现象。还有些本来学习成绩较好的学生,突然成绩直线下降。也有一些比较老实的学生和同学闹起意见,和老师、家长闹别扭。这些异常现象的出现,除了受周围社会影响外,主要与这一年龄阶段儿童的心理有关。因此,我们要分析学生的心理,掌握其心理特征,选择适当的教育方式,提高教育效果。 关键词:高年级;逆反心理;应对策略 逆反心理是指
A series of important discussion brought about learning problems by Deng Xiaoping, inherited and developed the learning theory of Maxim, which has an import
“Poetry as
As we rush, as we rush in the train, The trees and the houses go wheeling back, But the starry heavens above the plain Come flying on our track. All the beautiful stars of the sky, All the silver