A Critical Appraisal of Climate Change Communication in Australia

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tyftongyunfeng
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  Climate Change cannot be discussed and communicated in any meaningful way without recourse to analytically sophisticated and unavoidably complex concepts such as decision making under conditions of uncertainty.A significant obstacle to adoption and implementation of any decided Climate Change Policy involves difficulties in communicating the uncertainties attaching to the underlying subject material.Whilst appropriate procedures have been developed and utilized over time, it is obvious-from even a cursory examination of mainstream news and current affairs publications and broadcasts-that such procedures enjoy lay citizen awareness in Climate Change dialogue.The paper presents an overview of these shortcomings in the Climate Change dialogue with particular reference to Australia.In Australia, the lay citizen is poorly served by mainstream media if she or he seeks impartial authoritative guidance in this complex scientific arena.The paper suggests guidelines for improved communication protocols, building on recent research in Australia and overseas in the field of policy making under conditions of uncertainty.Risk communication techniques are essential in this process.The paper concludes with a set of benchmarks against which stakeholders-in the broader social context-who wish to participate in the Climate Change dialogue may evaluate the claimed merit and/or relevance of published articles, broadcasts and other sources of information and opinion on the topic.Key words: Climate Change, decision making under conditions of uncertainty, risk communication.
300多个贫困生,两栋小楼,方尺庭院,这就是汇聚“寒门学子”的博达学校;22年来,一个老人、一个家庭、一所学校,命运紧紧相连,相携相守;55岁的她一身粗布衣服,走路有点蹒跚,她就是山西省临猗县代村村民、“校长妈妈”陈玉芳。  1984年,闯过北京城、下过大上海的陈玉芳回到家乡创办了一所服装艺术学校,几年后又建立了一家小型制衣厂。到上世纪90年代末,陈玉芳已经是人们眼中身价百万的农民董事长。然而由于
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