Competitive On-board Genset Solutions for Range Extended EVs

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbbeatrice
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  It has been fully understood that pure battery EVs ("BEV") have three bottle necks to overcome for commercialization: cost too high, range too short and lack of charging facility.These bottle necks make BEVs unlikely to commercialize in volume before 2020.Based on Chinas next 12th Five Year Plan and consents from the Auto OEMs, PHEV and Range extended EV ("EREV") will be the major technology for China government to subsidize and commercialize before 2020.One of the core technologies for EREV is the on-board Genset system ("OGS").Now, the most popular technology for OBG on the market is Permanent Magnate Motor technology which provides highest power density (small and light), however highest cost and complex inverter/controller with challenges of EMI/EMC performance, making it inefficient to use reliably on EREVs.It has become the bottle neck for China Auto OEMs to develop EREVs due to lack of supplying of reliable and cost-effective OGS.DSM-GP consolidated powertrain integration technologies with multi patents of Double Sailing Inductance Motor ("DSM") technology which has been verified and validated in past 10 years.This patented technology has several major advantages: l.No wiring in the rotator, 2.Low power inductance control with simple and reliable circuits, 3.High power density.These make DSM-GPs OGS simple, reliable, easy serviceable, cost-effective and great EMI/EMC performance.The successful commercialization of this technology will solve the existing problem of manufacturing and supplying of OGS.
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