The relationship between political skill and employee voice behavior:From an impression management p

来源 :2014年中国工商管理研究前沿国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zondy_gongqi
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  This research focused on the self-serving motivation of voice behavior from an impression management perspective,different from the previous studies on the altruistic motivation.The purpose of this study was to construct a multilevel theoretical model that proposed how political skill operates to exercise effects on employee voice behavior in the context of organizational politics climate in Chinese organizations.Based on impression management theory,social influence theory,trait-activation theory and organizational politics theory,we put forward five propositions to explore when and how employees engage in voice behavior.We hypothesized the positive relationship between political skill and employee voice behavior,and the mediating role of impression-management motives.We then examined the cross-level effects of organizational politics climate on the individual-level employee voice phenomenon.An evaluation of research limitations,suggestions for future research,contributions to the literature and practical implications were discussed finally.
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摘要:做学生的思想转化工作,最常见、最为广大班主任普遍运用的方法,就是“谈话法”。那么,班主任在同学生谈话的过程中,如何运用语言艺术,与学生沟通情感,捕捉最佳的教育时机,达到理想的教育学生的目的呢?笔者从多年的班主任工作实践中,有如下几点粗浅的体会。  关键词:班主任;学生;谈话技巧  一、要有准备地谈  班主任找学生谈话不要随心所欲,信口开河,要在谈话前作好充分的准备,做到“胸中有数”。这个“数
环境人像是近年来非常流行的一种人像拍摄题材。让人物出现在特定的场景中,画面的内涵就更加丰富了,不仅能表现出人物的形态,更交待了他与相关环境的关系。摄影师Andrea Thom
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笔者集邮从1954年至今,凡56年,积聚在心底深处的一些往事时而荡漾泛起。现仅以几笔小札记述,读者会看到,它们或多或少、或隐或显地留下了历史印迹。 The author philatelic