Quantitative trait loci for flag leaf glaucousness in the wheat population of Heyne x Lakin

来源 :第六届全国小麦基因组学及分子育种大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:otaku2456
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  Plant epicuticular wax plays an important role in protecting land plant against biotic and abiotic stresses.Cuticular wax production on plant surface confers a glaucous appearance.This study identified quantitative trait loci(QTLs)for wheat(Triticum aestivum L.)flag leaf glaucousness(FLG)using a high-density genetic linkage map developed from a recombinant inbred line(RIL)population derived from the cross Heyne x Lakin by single-seed descent.The map consisted of 2068 single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)and 142 simple sequence repeat(SSR)markers on all 21 wheat chromosomes and covered a genetic distance of 2267.92 cM with an average marker interval of 1.03 cM.Two additive QTLs associated with FLG were identified on chromosomes 3AL and 2DS with the increasing FLG allele contributed from Lakin.The major QTL on 3AL,designated as QFlg.hwwgr-3AL which detected in all environments,flanked by loci IWA 1831 and IWA83 74 explaining 17.8-37.4%of the phenotypic variation in different environment,and the QTL on 2DS,designated as QFlg.hwwgr-2DS which identified only in one environment(YL14),was flanked by IWA6302 and Xgwm261 and accounted for 10.6%of phenotypic variation for FLG.QFlg.hwwgr-3AL and QFlg.hwwgr-2DS showed additive by environment(AE)interactions with explaining 3.5%and 4.4%of the phenotypic variance,respectively.Our results indicated that different QTL may contribute different score of FLG in a cultivar and that environment may play a role in FLG.
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列当科寄生植物肉苁蓉(Cistanche deserticola Y.C.Ma),广泛分布于非洲和亚洲西部,其干燥带鳞叶的肉质茎被传统用于促进血液循环、治疗阳痿、治疗腰痛及不孕不育等。肉苁蓉中含