Accelerating Deployment of Low-carbon Marine Energy Options in the UK

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ouyang0078
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  The Crown Estate is a diverse property business in the United "Kingdom valued at about GBP 8 billion owning and managing real estate properties across the country.We own over half the foreshore and almost the entire seabed around the UK.Though we are a commercial organization we are accountable to Parliament and our profits are rendered to the Treasury.As owners of the seabed we have taken an active position in the development of low-carbon energy resources.The main one is offshore wind energy, where we have organized a number of licensing rounds resulting in developers signing exclusivity agreements for a total generation potential of over 40 GW.In the latest Round 3 we are investing more than GBP 100 million together with developers to share project definition and consenting risk.In ocean energy, we have awarded over 30 development licenses for wave and tidal energy projects around the coasts of the UK.In July, we signed the UKs first-ever agreement for lease for storage of CO2 from a CCGT power plant in a depleted offshore gas field, and we are actively working to identify further potential for storage of CO2 and natural gas.Our business model is that of a pro-active landlord, which blends our commercial property-development skills with our tewardship role for the seabed which is a nationally strategic asset.The presentation will explore this business model and discuss market entry opportunities.
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摘 要  英语是世界上使用度最高的语言,作为最大的发展中国家,加强英语教育是我国教学改革的重要目标。初中英语教学是整个英语学习过程中不可或缺的阶段,它在英语学习生涯中有着承上启下的作用,是小学英语学习和高中英语学习之间的重要桥梁。初中英语学习与小学英语相比难度加大,与高中英语相比又相对容易,因此,在这个阶段激发学生英语学习兴趣是首要任务,在初中英语中融入歌曲教学是新课改下英语教学的创新性研究。  
本文通过笔者对多年艺术课程教学经验的总结,探讨培养学生的实践能力以及创新思维方法,以推动环境艺术设计的基础教学改革。 In this paper, I summarize the teaching expe
卵子生活在每个女性的身体中,看不见,摸不着,也感觉不到。你是否对“她”心存好奇和疑惑?让我们来听听一个卵子的自述吧。 Ovum lives in every female body, invisible, to