Determination of Trace Elements in the Different Part of Fructus Rosae Laerigatae

来源 :2005 WHTS'3rd Annual Congress of International Drug Disc | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzgl2005
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  Objective: Determine trace elements in root r stem and fruit of Fructus Rosae Laeriga-tae.Methods: We handle samples with acerbic (HNO3-H2O2) micware-digestion, and thendetermine trace elements of its different parts by atomic absorption spectrometry, and use SPSSstatistical method to deal with data of result.Results: In fruit got by ourselvea r fruit on sell r stem r root, content of Cu is respective 5.195±0.111, 3.313±0.401,1.713±0.156, 1.857±0.191, content of Cu is respective Zn 422.584q-15.389, 339.541±6.055, 204.541 ±5.377, 432.209±4.874;content of Ca is respective 2538.708+50.793, 3137.625±81.331, 2596.875±68.337, 1554.541+42.743; content of Mg is respective1186.958±86.479, 2452.087±51.908,429.041±19.740, 663.750±23.867; content of Mn is respective 134.929± 12.522, 148.688±1.833, 18.604±0.2855, 14.304±0.884; content of Cr is respective 3.097±0.167, 2.401±0.148,1.672±0.079, 3.561±0.079; content of Ni is respective 1.878±0.073, 2.142±0.061, 0.896±0.068, 0.488±0.025; content of Fe is respective 1396.666±18.833,950.250±14.414, 60.900±0.651, 70.221±1.328; content of Co is re-spective 0.304±-0.038, 0.525±0.032, 0..758±0.068, 0.662±0.057, Ca, Fe, Cu, Cr, Ni, Mn, Mg, Co all are differential in comparison between fruit and root ,stem.So are Ca, Cr, Ni, Mg, Zn between root and stem.
【摘 要】幼教的任务和性质决定了幼儿园的班级工作非常的烦琐和细致,我们一定要有一颗坚定的心,相信自己能将班级工作做到最好,而且要将这种信念转换成自己的实际行动。幼儿的保教工作是班级管理的重点,时刻把班里的事情放在心上,想在前头、干在前头。发挥班级老师的特长、团结协作,共同搞好班级的各项工作,家长工作是班级管理工作的重中之重,常规教育是班级活动顺利开展的先决条件,赏识教育也是教育幼儿教育的一个重要环
  In todays biopharmaceutical pipeline, monoclonal antibodies are a predominant modality for a broad range of clinical indications, including inflammatory dis