Canopy Related Dosing and Spray Application in Top Fruit-Influence on Target Coverage

来源 :第二届植保机械与施药技术国际学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangke777
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  Based on a canopy related dosing model, the effects of canopy adapted water volume rate, forward speed and fan power on spray deposits have been compared with common dosing and application rules using a fixed water volume rate, preset forward speeds and nominal air flow rate.Spray cover from three canopy systems has been analysed on deposits of the entire leaf, while coverage and droplet deposit density were assessed separately on the upper and lower leaf surface.The canopy related dosing and application could almost compensate a reduction of water volume rate as canopy width decreased, leading to similar coverage and droplet deposit density on the upper leaf surface and improved spray cover in the centre of broad canopies.On the lower leaf surface a strong oversupply, increasing as canopy width increased, has been detected.From the results may be concluded that increased application efficiency by adapting forward speed and fan power to the canopy may compensate reduced dose rates from canopy related dosing models as canopy width decreases, improving work rate as well as reducing costs and negative environmental effects.
石家庄市环城水系主要包括西北部水利生态防洪工程、石津干渠段、西北部南水北调段和本次规划设计的东南环水系四部分全长约102k m环绕石家庄市形成一条“水通、路通、船通、
大明湖风景名胜区,位于济南市区中心、旧城北部,是济南三大名胜之一.最早见诸文字在1 400多年前北魏郦道元所著《水经注》中,隋唐时名"历水陂"、"莲子湖",宋时又称"西湖",金
  Traditional pesticide application in grapevines causes large losses to the air and the ground, particularly in early to mid-season application.Traditional a
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