Bereaved Family Members' Expressed Hopes for Information after Suicide in Japan: Focus Group In

来源 :国际预防自杀协会(IASP)第26届世界大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jgc5961224
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  Background: Since 1998, Japan has experienced a high suicide rate.Evidence-based interventions are needed because family members of persons who commit suicide often experience stigma, shame, guilt, rejection, and the need to conceal the cause of death.These circumstances may isolate bereaving individuals and prevent them from receiving appropriate support.However, there is little research about the timing, informer, or method of informing the bereaved family following the suicide of a loved one.Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the elements of informing bereaved family members after suicide.Methods: We recruited Japanese individuals who lost a family member to suicide 5 or more years earlier and who managed or participated in either self-help or support groups in Japan.We conducted focus group interviews in December 2009, with three groups of survivors who had lost a spouse (Group 1), a child (Group 2) or a parent (Group 3).We asked group members what they hoped for with regards to the information that was offered after suicide.We qualitatively analyzed the following elements: timing, informer, information conveyed, and method of informing the bereaved family members.Results: We recruited a total of 12 participants (four per group).We identified commonalities and features in their responses.Regarding the timing, a common hope for all groups was to receive information immediately after the suicide and through the period after the funeral.Regarding the informer, they suggested a new occupational category, such as a bereaved family coordinator, and related support systems.A hope that was common for all groups was that resources such as police, the city hall administrators for official notice of death and individuals related to funeral services would intentionally offer the bereaved family members useful information.Various other types of information were needed, such as correspondence about damages, use of sleeping pills to cope with loss and renunciation of succession of debt.The bereaved parent group reported distress related to school officials withholding information on the facts and cause of the childs death.Regarding the method, all groups preferred to receive information in the form of leaflets and booklets rather than explanations.Information and support during a home visit immediately after the suicide might also be helpful.Conclusion: A new occupational category, such as the bereaved family coordinator, was suggested.The role of the family coordinator would be to make a home visit immediately after the suicide, perform a needs assessment, offer appropriate information and if necessary to accompany survivors to resolve issues.At the same time, the informer needs to maintain strict confidentiality about the cause of death.Standardized information in each region could be offered as a common information package by police, city hall administrators for official notice of death and individuals related to funeral services.Further investigation is being carried out to specify the features and needs of family members from each of the survivor groups.
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