Relationship between the genetic polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor and the susceptibility of ulcer

来源 :The 14th Congress of Gastroenterology China(第十四届全国消化系病学术会议) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanxingyi
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Background and aims As a key mediator of immune regulation, Vitamin D has been suggested to be involved in a variety of autoimmune diseases and infectious diseases, including ulcerative colitis (UC).Moreover, the genetic polymorphisms of vitamin D receptor (VDR) have been found to affect the activity of its encoding VDR protein and the subsequent downstream effects mediated by vitamin D.Although numerous case-control studies from multiethnic cohort have shown that VDR gene polymorphisms might be related with the predisposition of UC, the results as a whole seemed to be inconsistent or inconclusive.We attempted to investigate the relationship between the genetic polymorphisms of VDR and the susceptibility of UC in Chinese patients.
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一、病历资料患者石**,38 岁,女性,于2007 年8 月1 日下午突发意识不清,肢体抽搐,口吐白沫半小时入院.当时无大少便失禁.抽搐停止后仍意识不清.急查血常规:WBC:17.9*109/L,N:71.9%,急查颅脑CT,未见明显异常.近期无发热及身体不适感.既往:幼时有高热惊厥病史.无肝炎、结核等传染病史及密切接触史,预防接种史随当地.无重大外伤、手术史.无药物及食物过敏史.无输血史.个人史
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