mGluR activation improves anxiety-like behavior by enhancing GABA-regulated activity synchrony in am

来源 :第十四届中国神经精神药理学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cypbvg
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  The anxiety, characterized as unstable mood, elevat ed attention capture, negative interpretation and social phobia under the conditions of potential threatening signs, is the most prevalent in psychological disorders.In terms of the molecular mechanism, the wrongdoing of certain genes is likely involved in anxiety disorders.At the cellular level, the abnormal neuronal networks in amygdala are hypothetically related to anxiety.How genes deficits lead to the impairment of amygdala neuronal microcircuits and in turn anxiety disorders remains unclear.
  OBJECTIVE To investigate the susceptibility of PTZ and maximal electroshock(MES) in P360-380 d old rats that experienced prolonged FS when they were 10-12 d
  目的 拟用1Hz电流刺激海马下托,试图模拟间期自发放电,观察其是否抑制癫痫,从而寻找到不依赖于后放电时程的刺激靶点。方法和结果 观察不同时间点的海马下托LFS对大鼠杏仁核
  OBJECTIVE To investigate the susceptibilities to febrile seizures in immature rats and PTZ induced seizures in a dult rats with different gender.METHODS Pro
20世纪 80年代中期以来 ,台湾对东南亚国家的直接投资迅速发展。台湾的“南向政策”对台湾与东南亚的经贸关系产生了较大的影响。进入新世纪 ,台湾对东南亚的直接投资在广度
  目的 考察低频率电刺激(LFS)脑内若干靶点对杏仁核电点燃癫痫的作用,并探讨其可能的机制。方法 在大鼠脑内靶点脑区及杏仁核植入双极不锈钢电极,在杏仁核点燃过程中或者完
  目的 探索厚朴酚的抗癫痫作用和机制。方法 ip给予厚朴酚20,40和80 mg· kg-1后30 min,再给予戊四唑(PTZ) 60 mg·kg-1,通过动物行为学模型、脑电波(EEG)分析、场外电生
  目的 研究14种近交系小鼠对戊四氮(PTZ)和最大电刺激(MES)所诱导的癫痫的易感性.方法 采用AKR/J,A/J, A/HeJ, B10.D2-Hc, Balb/C6Y1, Balb/CJ, C3H/HeJ,C57BL/6J, DBA/2J
  目的 探讨mTOR信号通路在自发性癫痫中的作用以及mTOR抑制剂雷帕霉素对自发性癫痫的治疗效果。方法 在选择性敲除星形胶质细胞TSC1基因(Tsc1GFAPCKO)的结节性硬化病所致