Network pharmacology-based analysis of Chinese herbal NaoDeSheng formula for application to Alzheime

来源 :中国药理学与毒理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:irolu
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OBJECTIVE To predict the potential targets and uncover the mechanisms of Nao De Sheng formula for the treatment of Alzheimer disease.METHODS Firstly,we collected the constituents in Nao De Sheng formula and key targets toward Alzheimer disease.Then,druglikeness,oral bioavailability and blood-brain barrier permeability were evaluated to find drug-like and lead-like constituents for central nervous system diseases treatment.Finallly,we were attempted to predict the targets of constituents and find potential multi-target compounds from Nao De Sheng formula by combining the advantages of machine learning,molecular docking and pharmacophore mapping together.RESULTS Constituenttarget network,constituent-target-target network and targetbiological pathway network were built to explain the network pharmacology of the constituents in NaoD eS heng formula.CONCLUSION To the best of our knowledge,we were the first to study the mechanism of Nao De Sheng formula for potential efficacy for Alzheimer disease treatment by means of the virtual screening and network pharmacology methods. OBJECTIVE To predict the potential targets and uncover the mechanisms of Nao De Sheng formula for the treatment of Alzheimer disease. METHODS Firstly, we collected the constituents in Nao De Sheng formula and key targets toward Alzheimer disease. Then, druglikeness, oral bioavailability and blood- brain barrier permeability were evaluated to find drug-like and lead-like constituents for central nervous system diseases treatment. Infallly, we were attempted to predict the targets of constituents and find potential multi-target compounds from Nao De Sheng formula by combining the advantages of machine learning, molecular docking and pharmacophore mapping together .RESULTS Constituenttarget network, constituent-target-target network and targetbiological pathway networks were built to explain the network pharmacology of the constituents in NaoD eS heng formula. CONCLUSION To the best of our knowledge, we were the first to study the mechanism of Nao De Sheng formula for potential efficacy for Alzheimer d isease treatment by means of the virtual screening and network pharmacology methods.
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