Hormone Therapy.A Treatment Option for Elderly Patients with Hormone-sensitive Breast Carcinoma Unsu

来源 :2011第四届世界癌症大会暨乳腺癌峰会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:c1074527
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  Introduction: The elderly represent a group of patients who are increasingly common in our practice, because of the greater life expectancy of women.Often, the physician should consider what is the primary intention of treatment in these patients, ie, "potentially curative-aggressive" versus "palliative" considering which option offers longer survival with better lifequality.Often, These patients have been excluded from clinical trials and extrapolation from younger patients is not always appropriate because their tolerance to standard neoadjuvant regimens may be lower.We present a study analyzing a sample of patients with breast carcinoma not suitable to surgery or initial chemotherapy, assessing clinical response and survival, using hormone therapy as first therapeutic option.The objective of our work is to analyze the efficacy and survival, using hormonotherapy in non-surgical breast cancer patients.Results: We performed a retrospective study of 153 patients with non-surgical breast cancer because of advanced disease, elderly or comorbility using hormonotherapy.Stage, answer, global survival and death causes were evaluated.The mean age was 79 7 years old with median follow-up of 42.6 months (range 0-180).When diagnosis, 22% showed stage T4, 47% clinical ganglionar affection and 16% metastasis.87.7% were treated with tamoxifen and the others with aromatase inhibitors or megestrol.22% needed successive treatment.The response was: complete 5.8%, partial 31.8%, stability 34.4% and progression 9.7%.The first event was at 35.7 33 months.Global mortality was 68.7% and breast cancer mortality was 57.3%.Conclusions: The breast cancer incidence is higher in elderly patients and, with the increased life expectancy, it is expected that the number of these patients with breast cancer increases.The elderly patients often have tumors with more favorable characteristics.We jointly consider tumor characteristics, medical conditions, social and psychological patient when deciding on treatment.Surgery should be the first treatment if the patient conditions permit.Hormonotherapy maybe a good treatment for non-surgical patients because of its efficacy and low secondary effects.
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