Predation Mechanism of an Ambush Predatory Copepod M.leuckarti

来源 :第二届国际蚊虫及蚊媒病监测和防治学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suaixin
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Predation affects the dynamics and constitution of prey communities therefore predator and prey have strong interaction between them.Predator-prey interaction frequently have been broken down into four keys sequences.Though key sequence for each predator may be same but each predator species should have their own strategy of capturing and handling the prey.
2009 年作为国际小商品市场的浙江省义乌地区突发登革热,为有效控制疫情多种卫生杀虫剂应用于蚊虫防治工作,为充分掌握当地农药使用概况及其对生态系统污染,本项研究在积极开展蚊媒传染病主要传播媒介孳生地抽样调查基础上,对蚊蚴孳生水体农药残留量进行检测.根据2009-2010 年孳生地调查结果,发现当地至少存在2 亚科4 属9 种蚊虫,主要包括白纹伊蚊〔Aedes (Stegomyia) albopic
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