Seminiferous Epithelium:Critical Target of Titanocene Dichloride

来源 :BIT Life Sciences' 1st Annual World Cancer Congess-2008( | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkkhorse
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  A wide spectrum of metal based drugs offer some innovative results in chemotherapy.Titanium complexes exhibited cytostatic properties, mainly on colon tumors.Highly substituted ansa-titanocene compounds have shown promising cytotoxic activity in a range of cancers, namely their potentiality for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.Despite their efficacy as chemotherapeutic agents due to the possibility of coordination of some organic molecules to a metal centre which alters cellular metabolic pathways, some adverse effects were already described, namely a disruption within the permeability of the blood-testis barrier, a widely used toxicological marker on testis integrity.
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今年5月,大理州运政处组织了私营汽车情况调查组,分别深入到全州十二个县、市采取开座谈会、走访个体运输户等形式,对全州私营汽车情况作了调查。现将调查情况综述如下: 一