A genome-wide analysis of simple sequence repeats and the development of polymorphism markers in mai

来源 :2012年全国玉米遗传育种学术研讨会暨新品种展示观摩会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganmaogaishilangren
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  Molecular markers play an important role in maize genetic research and breeding practices.Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) markers are widely used due to their codominant inheritance,high variability,high abundance,good reproducibility,and ease of scoring.It is fortunate that the development of sequencing technology and emerging of bio-softwares provides the basis for characterzation and development SSRs of maize.In this study,MISA was applied to identify overall 143,935 SSRs in maize inbred line B73,with an average distance of 14.35 Kbp.
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