Secure Store of User Authentication Tokens in Multi-Cloud Storage System

来源 :2014全国理论计算机科学学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiaoyuzhang
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  To solve the security problems in single-cloud storage,multi-cloud storage system has been put forward in some literatures.However,when using multi-cloud,a user needs to be authenticated by different cloud storage services,which is a time-consuming and tedious process.To avoid this,we propose a framework to store the authentication tokens of multiple cloud services securely.When the first time a user uses the multi-cloud storage system and finishes authorization to all cloud storage services involved,the encrypted tokens are entrusted to the framework.When the user using the multi-cloud storage system again,the tokens are retrieved and decrypted and then used to complete authentication to the cloud storage services.By this way,user experience is enhanced without loss of security.We design and implement a local secure token management scheme and a server-based scheme,and verify the two schemes in a multi-cloud storage system.
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