Comparative Study of Organic Agriculture Development between China and South Korea

来源 :2009杨凌国际农业科技论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:noonbird
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  Anthropological activities including modem agriculture have caused environmental pollution, and so people began to pay attention to safe food, As a result organic agriculture emerged.Organic agriculture in South Korea (hereinafter referred as Korea) and China has developed rapidly after the appearance of organic agriculture in 1970s and 1980s respectively.Organic agriculture in China and Korea developed steadily through agricultural support policies, certification management, institutions construction etc.In the development of organic agriculture, China and Korea are now facing some technical and extension problems.In general however, the development of organic agriculture in China lags behind Korea, this is to say Korea has done better job comparing with development of Chinas organic agriculture.China can learn from the experiences in the development of organic agriculture in Korea to solve contradiction between development of organic agriculture and food safety, to strengthen the organic food certification, to introduce a system of agricultural direct payment and other positive measures, thus will guarantee steadily and healthy development of organic agriculture in China.
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