Dendritic Liquid Crystals:Self-organization and Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Investigation of Their M

来源 :复旦学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuzhaoan
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1 Results Liquid crystalline dendrimers and structurally related multipodes are supermolecules consisting of an amorphous hyper-branched core at the periphery of which are attached mesogenic groups capable of self-organization.Two opposite tendencies compete in these systems: the internal dendrimer tends to adopt a pseudo-spherical architecture that has a disordering influence on the packing of the mesogenic parts whose tend to self-organize into partially ordered structures.These kinds of systems show a rich variety of mesophases depending on the architecture of the hyper-branched part and the chemical structure of the mesogenic units. 1 Results Liquid crystalline dendrimers and structurally related multipodes are supermolecules consisting of an amorphous hyper-branched core at the periphery of which are attached mesogenic groups capable of self-organization. Two opposite tendencies compete in these systems: the internal dendrimer tends to adopt a pseudo -spherical architecture that has a disordering influence on the packing of the mesogenic parts whose tend to self-organize into partially ordered structures.These kinds of systems show a rich variety of mesophases depending on the architecture of the hyper-branched part and the chemical structure of the mesogenic units.
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