Practice and Reflection on the Application of Drama in Learning Chinese

来源 :2011年信息技术、服务科学与工程管理国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HHP110
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  It is still one of the major issues in learning Chinese as a second language that how to embody the student-centered teaching principle in the Chinese learning of minority students and how to cultivate the Chinese know-how and cross-cultural communication abilities of minority students.The application of drama in language learning has provided a few enlightenments and references for the mobilization of minority students enthusiasm in learning Chinese, the promotion of their learning independence, the cultivation of their ability of communication and cooperation, and etc.On the basis of the introduction of dramatized teaching method, a classroom teaching case is summarized and analyzed in this paper.It is concluded that the introduction of dramatized teaching method in teaching Chinese as a second language for minority students is a positive attempt in promoting the quality of education and exploring the innovative teaching method.
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