Trunk gas pipelines and ecological situation of the ground in the areas of the gas pipeline passing

来源 :第四届城市、工业、交通和矿山土壤国际会议(The 4th International Conference on Sol | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjw37600
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  The estimation of technogenic influences and soil pollution in regions of the main gas pipeline and also influence of gaseous emissions of compressor stations on a condition of pedogenic complex are leaded.The areas oftechnogenic influences of soil within the limits of sanitary-protective zones of compressor stations are established.Influence of emissions in an atmosphere on the soil of the settlement zone is investigated.In the report are stated the generalized results of long-term programs of ecological monitoring in the areas of passing the system of the main transport of gas in northwest region of the Russian Federation.Influence on soil of the basic technogenic objects-linear (the main gas pipeline-MG) and pattern (compressor stations-CS),and also linked with them infrastructures is considered in report.The problems of technogenic influences and soil pollution,including possible influence of gaseous emissions CS on a condition of a soil-soil complex,development of dangerous engineering-geological processes,a condition of a coastal part of water-currents in places of transitions of gas mains and other aspects connected with accident-free functioning of system of the main transport of gas were estimated during researches.It is noted,that a lining and long-term (more than 35 years) operation of lines of MG have caused:change of the lay of land,a surrounding landscape and soil,redistribution in a strip of a line of shares leading soil-forming processes,change of a light and hydro-geological mode,formation forest border zones,formation of an artificial,tape area of vegetative communities of the big extent.Practically 100 % of transitions through the first-order large water-currents are executed with observance of design decisions and ecological requirements,but more than 80 % of transitions through small water-currents-with infringement of depth of pipeline laying,without coast strengthen actions that provokes activization of erosive processes of a coastal part of the rivers and streams,and also bogging of the territories located above transition.It is established,that the specific parameter describing the area of technogenic influences in a mode of regular operation of a linear part of MG,makes from 12,7 up to 14,5 hectares on 1 kilometer of a line.The area of industrial area CS is averages 31,7 hectares.The sizes of a sanitary-protective zone (SPZ) the compressor stations,certain in view of all factors of negative influence (pollution of atmospheric air,electromagnetic and noise pollution),practically everywhere corresponds to sanitary-and-hygienic norms and of 700 meters according to normative document Sanitary norms and rules 2.2.1/ are established on size of the minimal break.Thus the average indice of gardening,that is the areas borrowed hardy-shrub vegetation within the limits of sanitary-protective zones,makes 61% that corresponds to sanitary specifications (50 % for zones in the size 300-1000 meters).It is noted,that in northern areas -taiga zone,subzones of North-taiga woods and an average taiga this parameter above,than in more southern areas where it decreases to 57 % due to increase of a share of the agricultural grounds.The areas of technogenic influences grounds within the limits of SPZ CS is average 22 %.The analysis of geochemical components in soil of sanitary-protective zones CS and along a line of MG was spent by their comparison from maximum concentration limit and with regional background parameters.The mineralization,a hydrogen parameter,the maintenance of heavy metals,mobile iron compounds,mineral oil,etc.parameters show that soil dont experience however or appreciable influence from functioning system of the main transport of gas and as a whole correspond to regional background parameters.Possible influence of emissions in an atmosphere from sources CS (oxides of nitrogen,metane,carbon oxides) is investigated,however any attributes of influence SPZ on soil and the nearest settlement zone is not fixed.
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