Unlocking the “Black Box”:How Personal Loyalty Transfers to Firm Loyalty

来源 :2013年JMS第十届中国营销科学学术年会暨博士生论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhenry123
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  This study reveals the important psychological mechanisms by which a customer’s loyalty to a specific salesperson (personal loyalty) can transfer over to loyalty to the firm.Many scholars and managers have raised concerns that personal loyalty can be threatening to firm loyalty.However,drawing on a broad body of knowledge on marketing,psychology and organizational behavior,we demonstrate that personal loyalty can work positively and cooperatively toward firm loyalty.Specially,we identify and examine three concurrent underlying mechanisms: affective,cognitive and behavioral mediation.Moreover,we explain how the loyalty transfer process can be strengthened by salespersons’ brand-building behaviors.We tested our theoretical model in the context of the Chinese direct selling industry.Our findings advance multilevel loyalty research and offer suggestions for incorporating this knowledge into managerial strategies and practice.
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