
来源 :第二届全球华人辐射研究大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huanyingchangmaoshou
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Gold nanoclusters are known for their good biocompatibility and low cytotoxicity;with encapsulated metal atoms gold nanoclusters can not only have more stable structures than hollow clusters,but also change their own chemical and physical properties,which is of great importance to the applications of actinide elements in nuclear medicine with much reduced potential cytotoxicity.In this study,we designed the uranium-encapsulated structure U@Au14 based on a typical Au14-cage structure and found that the existence of the U atom indeed makes the Au14 structure more stable.Analysis of the electron structure shows that the two single-occupied orbitals in the system mainly originate from the Sf shell of the U atom after charge transfer.This provides a theoretical basis for future syntheses of actinide doped gold inanoclusters,and thus should facilitate biomedical applications of such nanostructures in radio-labeling,nanodrug carrier and so forth.Meanwhile,effective cleanup of radioactive waste remains one of the fundamental challenges in nuclear sciences due to the ever growing concern on the safety of nuclear power.Carbon nanotubes have recently shown encouraging promises in their potential capability of U atom adsorption and removal.We used first-principle density functional theory (DFT) to illustrate the adsorption and interactions between U atoms and the inner/outer surfaces of a single-walled carbon nanotube.Our DFT calculations showed that when U atoms were adsorbed on each of the CNT surfaces,the ground electronic states were quintet.However,U atoms showed a differential adsorption mode depending on its binding sites,either the bridge sites on the inner surface or the hole sites on the outer surface.The interior adsorption was more stable with adsorption energy of l eV greater than that of the external one,which is explained by their different ground state electronic structures.Further analysis on the density of states indicated that the internal adsorption had larger bonding area between the U atoms and CNT,supporting the stronger internal adsorption.
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晋政办发[2009]98号各市、县人民政府,省人民政府各委、厅,各直属机构:《关于促进民间资本进入我省鼓励类投资领域的意见》已经省人民政府同意,现印发给你 Jinzheng Ban Fa
摘要 中国画传统是以线条为造型手段,以书法为骨法,以诗的境界为灵魂,将诗、书、画、印融为一体,诗情画意为内涵、抒情言志,在天人合一的哲学观与自然观的关照中表现出物我一体不可分割的静态美,以凝重、浑穆、典雅形成中国特有的审美理想。线性审美体现了东方的审美理想,也蕴涵着东方哲学对美的理解,这也是中国画传统精神的根本文化渊源。  关键词:中国画 神形兼备 线条 外师造化  中图分类号:J202 文献标识