An Introduction to the China Climate Change National Basic Research Program Project: ROME

来源 :第七届中国科学院“百人学者论坛”学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vs1ji
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  Tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean is a key area affecting the climate of the East Asia and the oceanic circulation and ecosystem of the marginal seas of China. The National Basic Research Program project "Response of the Ocean to Global Warming and their impact on East Asia Climate and China Marginal Sea Carbon Storage" (ROME in abbreviation), aims at disclosing the dynamic and thermodynamic responses of the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean to global warming, their effects on the East Asian climate through the ocean-atmosphere coupling, and their impact on the variability of carbon storage in the marginal seas of China. Four subjects of research will be conducted for the purposes mentioned above: 1) Processes and mechanisms of the response of tropical Indo-Pacific to global warming; 2) Impact of tropical Indo-Pacific warming on east Asian monsoon; 3) Impact of tropical Indo-Pacific warming on the climatology of the western Pacific Typhoon; 4) Variability of carbon storage in the marginal seas of China forced by the monsoon, Typhoon, and the Kuroshio.
<正> 由黑龙江省社会科学院西伯利亚研究所所长徐景学研究员带领的一支由中外学者、专家组成的考察队,于1988年8月4日至9月2日对我国东北的黑龙江、嫩江流域地区的少数民族进行了联合考察。成员还有黑龙江省民族研究所所长徐基述副研究员,黑龙江省社会科学院西伯利亚研究所研究室主任侯育成副研究员、黑龙江省民族研究所历史研究室主任方衍副研究员以及芬兰学者尤哈·杨虎嫩研究员。这次考察的范围、对象,主要是黑龙江流域地区及嫩江流域地区的柯尔克孜族、鄂温克族、鄂伦春族和达呼尔族,重点考察了刺宾河流域的鄂伦春族
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