Pharmacogenomics as Personalized Medicine Reality or Myth

来源 :Frontier of Medical Sciences,Forum 2011 & The 1th National C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong537
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  Pharmacogenetics is not a particularly old science.The idea that there were genetically determined differences in drug response can be traced back as far as only about 70 years ago.The term pharmacogenetics itself was coined in 1959 by Vogel.Towards the end of the 20th Century, the genomics revolution allowed some morphing of the original genetics approach to create the new science of Pharmacogenomics.With the development of increasing high throughput and financially accessible technologies, there has been a heightened expectation that the pharmacogenomics approach will lead to greater precisions and sensitivities in understanding variations in the individuals genome, thus paving the way to the delivery of more personalized forms of pharmacotherapy.There have been some successes, and much promise of even greater success.But by and large the success rate so far has been disappointingly low given the amount of money spent in the search for personalized therapeutics.Most of the successes relate to responder/non responder situations, while pharmacogenomic interventions related to pharmacokinetic process have generally only had ambiguous benefits.
[摘 要]老年市场和老年产业如同老龄问题一样,已成为21世纪的社会热点问题。据国家统计局最新统计数据和全国老龄委员会提供的调查资料表明,我国是世界上老龄人员最多的国家。因此老年人已构成了旅游人口中颇具规模的一支队伍,发展潜力巨大。本文分析了老年人旅游的条件和特点,指出了老年人旅游市场的现状,提出了老年人旅游市场发展的趋势。  [关键词]老年人 老龄化社会 旅游市场  一、老年人旅游的条件
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