The Role of Community in the Industrial Heritage Reconstruction Process: a Case Study of Taigucang W

来源 :旅游与人地环境国际研讨会(第七届旅游前沿国际会议) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jurenyaoyao
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  Studies of industrial heritage have tended to emphasize the importance of the community in the heritage reconstruction process,as community attitudes and behavior critically affect results.In these case studies,the communitys behavior is a key element in the whole process.However,this Chinese case study shows a successful industrial heritage reconstruction project,which does not involve the community.After a literature review,this article considers the example of Guangzhou Taigucang Wharf from a stakeholders perspective,and uses interviews and observations to understand the reconstruction process at the site,and to examine the role of the community.The results show that the community was not active in the process,but once the project was finished their role shifted from bystanders to recipients of the benefits,and advocates of the process.Heritage identification is ultimately motivated by the action of other,non-community stakeholders.This case study supplements existing theories and together they provide a more complete theoretical framework for the industrial heritage reconstruction process.
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