Space-time Structure of Human Daily Activities:A Case Study of Beijing

来源 :第4届中日韩地理学家学术研讨会暨第12次全国青年地理工作者学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sabot
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  Under the background of humanism and post-modernism,studies on urban space have shifted their perspectives from physical to social and behavioral aspects.We need to enrich our understanding of urbanization and spatial changes restructuring from the new perspectives such as urban activity-travel system and human daily life.Dating from the creative works of Hagerstrand and Chapin et al.,activity-based approach has made substantial contributions to understand human space-time behavior better.This research talks about a new framework to investigate interactions between urban space and residents’ behavior.The study area for this research is Beijing city,which has experienced the rapid urban land growth.A two-day diary data set collected in the study area in 2007 provides the individual activity-travel data for this study,consisting of 1119 individuals.Three dimensional geo-visualization of individual space-time path is realized in GIS environment for helping us analyze typical activity patterns.In this research,we begin to understand individual travel behavior choices,especially the generation of multi-stops trip chains,and the relationship of these choices with socio-economic characteristics as well as spatial characteristics of the places where to reside.The results of preliminary models estimated indicate that multi-stops travel behavior is indeed related to individual’s residential location.The Poisson Regression is implemented on the number of trip chains do indicate that socio-economic factors and spatial factors make coupling effects on whether to choose multi-stops travel,especially for the full-time employed group in workday.These models should provide a starting point for further exploration of urban space and space-time structure of human daily activities linkages explored from the point of view from analyzing the trip chain as a whole subject.
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