New Si-based technologies for remediation and purification of the waste-water and solid wastes from

来源 :The 17th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Env | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshirenaaa
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  The extraction of the heavy metals from mines includes several procedures,which forms waste-waters and solid wastes.These wastes contain high content of other heavy metals and pollutants.Usually the traditional technologies for purification of the solid and liquid wastes have high cost and require lot special constructions.New technologies for purification and detoxification of the toxic wastes are necessary.New investigations have shown that the effect of active Si can regulate the mobility of HM in soil and water media and can increase the plant resistance to HM toxicity.These data give possibility to elaborate several technologies for resolving of HM problems.The elaborated technologies included reduction of the HM leaching,mobility,toxicity.The including of the active Si into bioremediation process also accelerates the HM extraction from contaminated soil.The active Si also can be used for detoxification of the toxic wastes and for purification of the contaminated water.The demonstrations of the elaborated technologies were conducted in laboratory and field tests(in Russia,USA,Australia and Chile).The following pollutants were tested: Hg,Pb,Ni,Cd,Cr,Cu,As,Zn,Co et al.These investigations showed that the elaborated technologies are easy for adaptation to certain conditions(different soil-climatic condition,different type of heavy metals,using of local sources,et al.).The special algorithm for adaptation of the elaborated technology was created as well.The first stage of the new technology adaptation was conducted on Lengshuijiang antimony mine(Hunan province)as well.This mine produces more 50%of word antimony production.The waste-water and solid wastes provide high level of environmental pollution by As,Se,Sb,Pb,Hg,Cd.The existed purification system is not effective.The liquid and solid wastes from Lengshuijiang antimony mine were collected and examined.The Si-based materials were used for purification of the waste-water and neutralization of the solid wastes.The obtained results showed that suggested technology dramatically reduced the content of all pollutants in waste-water and increased the plant resistance to toxic compounds which was present in the solid wastes.It is important that local materials were used for Si-base substances.In the result the suggested technology has low cost.
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【摘要】画家张正恒身居北京,仍与四川老家的书画家朋友往来密切,其中与陈子庄、晏济元交谊尤深。本文主要通过陈子庄、晏济元致张正恒的书信,回顾蜀中画友三人在困难时期互帮互助、执着画艺的轶事,揭示张正恒在陈子庄、晏济元绘画艺术的推介中发挥的重要作用。  【关键词】陈子庄;晏济元;张正恒;书信;绘画;友谊  张正恒先生(1932-2007年),字悟恒,号三惭。他出生于四川西充的一个贫苦家庭,自幼热爱绘画艺
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