Reverse Transcriptase Extraction

来源 :2007 Enzyme Engineering Conference(国际酶工程学术会议) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zldingkai
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  The discovery of reverse transcriptase (RT) over 20 years ago was important for two reasons.First,it suggested that genetic information could flow back and forth from DNA to RNA and from RNA to DNA,thus explaining the replication of some viruses.Second,the presence of RT suggested a mechanism for shift from an RNA-based life to one revolving around DNA double helix.We have extracted and purified of RT with 3 step this method E.Coli-107 was grown at 37oC in 2 liters LB media at 300 rpm agitation and lvvm aeration.After 3-4 h,it induces with IPTG and let grow 4 h to late log phase.The cell harvested by centrifuge in 3000 rpm during 20 min.The pellet suspended in lysis buffer,sonicated and centrifuged at 100000g for 1h.
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目的:探究使用右美托咪定后,全身麻醉气管插管期出现心血管的反应.方法:选取就诊时间在2019年6月到2020年6月,共80例患者,分为两组.对于一般组来说给予0.8 g/kg右美托咪定.对