Maximal Subrings: where is the extra point?

来源 :International Short-School/Conference on Affine Algebraic Ge | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lidcc
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  In this talk I will discuss some of the theory on when a subring A(∈) B is a maximal subring,and about classification of such subrings.I will discuss new work in collaboration with Immanuel Stampfli about the most difficult case,when spec(B)→spec(A)is not surjective.In that case,spec(B)→spec(A)is injective,and just misses one point.A typical example is C[x](∈)C[x,x-1] which comes down to the embedding of C{0} into C.C[x,xy,xy2 + y,xy3 + y2,xy4 + y3,…](∈)C[x,y] is more complicated,but we can naturally see it as C2 →(C2∪{p})(∈)P2(C) where p is some point on the line at infinity in P2(C).However,we were able to construct way more complicated examples,where the extra point was not in projective space,and it was much harder to answer the question: Where is the extra point?
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