
来源 :第十一届全军骨科学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhenlic0300
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  目的 应用激光快速成型技术制作骨盆三维光弹生物力学实验用模型。方法 通过螺旋CT扫描获取医学图像,制作CAD模型并存储为STL格式文件,将文件载入激光快速成型机,对Somos 11120光敏树脂通过"分层制造、逐层叠加"的原理制造出三维骨盆实体模型。
The effect of applying the normal sacral nerve root to repair the sacral plexus root avulsion was stud ied.Thirty rats were divided into three groups ran domly (n =10).To establish the right avulsion
Purpose: The best treatment to radial head fractures in adults is still controversial.The purpose of this study was to research the efficacy of poly-D,L-lactic acid biodegradable pins for the treatmen
Displaced acetabular fractures should be treated surgically.Over the past decade, surgical approaches to the acetabulum and the surgical tactic for repair common fracture patterns have been advanced.E
Bony ankylosis secondary to heterotopic ossifica tion (HO) following the open reduction and internal fixation of an acetabular fracture is often associated with disability in the hip.To the knowledge
Objective A novel scaffolding meth od for the copolymers poly (hctide-co-glycolide) acid(PLGA) was developed to construct three-di mensional scaffolds.Culturing of Schwann cells (SCs) on the novel sca