Grateloupia ramosa H.W.Wang & R.X.Luan sp.nov.(Halymeniaceae,Rhodophyta),a new species from Chin

来源 :第四届全国藻类多样性和藻类分类研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shoolove
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  Grateloupia ramosa H.W.Wang & R.X.Luan sp.nov.(Halymeniaceae,Rhodophyta)is newly described from Hainan province,southern China.It has these morphological features:(1)Thalli were 5-10 cm in height,purplish red in color,cartilaginous and lubricous in texture,Blades had numerous branches and an opposite arrangement.percurrent axes were compressed.Terminal branches consisted of multiple claw-like branches,up to five,which gradually tapered to the upper part of the branches ;(2)The cortex was consist of 3-6 layers of elliptical or anomalous cells,and a medulla consisting of compact medullary filaments that were 2–7 μm in diameter and ran in various directions.The medulla cells approached the inner cortical layer,which consisted of rounded or irregularly shaped cells;(3)Reproductive structures distributed throughout the thallus,especially centralized at the bottom of the end portion of the branches and(6)Carpogonial branch was 4-celled and auxiliary-cell branch was 3-celled,both of them were one of Grateloupia-type.The morphological differences were supported by molecular phylogenetics using ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase(rbcL)gene sequence analysis.We compared the rbcL sequences of the six G.ramosa samples to the selected 37 species within Grateloupia and four species in other genera within Halymeniaceae.Partial sequences of 1251 base pairs(bp)corresponding to positions 101 to 1351 of the full rbcL gene(1467 bp)were used for the alignment.There is only 1 bp divergence between the specimens collected from Wenchang and Lingshui of Hainan province.The new species was embedded in the large Grateloupia clade of the Halymeniaceae.The pairwise distances between G.ramosa and other species within Grateloupia ranged from 26 to 105 bp,within the pairwise distances of 13–111 bp between species of the large genus Grateloupia in Halymeniaceae.Thus,we propose this new species as G.ramosa H.W.Wang & R.X.Luan sp.Nov.
【研究背景与目的】随着生活方式和饮食结构的改变,以胰岛素抵抗(insulin resistance, IR)为主要病理生理特征的疾病,如中心型肥胖、糖尿病、心血管病等的发病率不断上升,已成为全球范围内的重大公共卫生问题。IR不仅是2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)的病理生理基础,同时也是代谢综合症的“共同土壤”,大量研究表明:IR及其所伴随的高血压,糖、脂代