Novel Polymorphisms of SIX4Gene and Their Association with Body Measurement Traits in QinchuanCattle

来源 :第二届中国肉牛选育改良与产业发展国际研讨会暨中国畜牧兽医学会养牛分会八届二次学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ty5004
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  Sine oculishomeobox homolog 4 (SIX4) gene, belongs to the sine oculis/SIX gene family that includes six members in vertebrates.It plays a crucial role in skeletal myogenesis, and its genetic variations or deficiency causes hypopituitarism, suggesting that this gene is a potential candidate gene affectingbody measurement traits (BMTs) in animals.Herein, the objectives of this study were to identify genetic polymorphisms of SIX4 ·gene in Qinchuan cattle and to analyze potential association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and BMTs in Qinchuan cattle.In the present study, we investigated the polymorphism of SIX4 gene in 426 Qinchuan cattle using DNA sequencing and polymerase chain reactionrestriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP).Three novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified within bovine SIX4.Associations between BMTs andSIX4 gene polymorphisms were investigated, and significant statistical associations were found between polymorphisms of these three SNPs and body measurement (P < 0.05).Hence, based on the resuhs obtained from this study, it is inferred that SIX4gene may have potential effects on BMTs in Qinchuan cattle population and could be used for markerassisted selection.
楚庄,中国民主促进会中央副主席,一个谦和、睿智的学者。记者见到他时,他一袭中山服在身,一双布棉鞋在脚,简朴整洁的办公室一如楚老的为人,予人以淡泊、儒雅、亲切之感。 记
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