Integrating environmental variation, predation pressure, phenotypic plasticity and locomotor perform

来源 :第二届中国西部动物学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Stanleytsang627
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  The Wujiang River,a tributary stream of the Three Gorges Reservoir,has many dams along its length.These dams alter the natural habitat and produce various flow regimes and degrees of predator stress.To test whether the swimming performance and external body shape of pale chub (Zacco platypus) have changed as a result of alterations in the flow regime and predator conditions,we measured the steady (Ucrit) and unsteady (fast-start) swimming performances and morphological characteristics of fish collected from different sites along the Wujiang River.We also calculated the maximum respiratory capacity and cost of transport (COT).We demonstrated significant differences in swimming performance and morphological traits among the sampling sites.Steady swimming performance was positively correlated with water velocity and negatively correlated with the abundance of predators,whereas unsteady swimming performance was negatively correlated with water velocity.The body shape was significantly correlated with both swimming performance and ecological parameters.These findings suggested that selection pressure on swimming performance results in a higher Ucrit and a more streamlined body shape in fast flow and (or) in habitats with low predator stress and subsequently results in a lower COT.These characteristics were accompanied by poorer fast-start performance than that of the fish from the slow-flow and (or) high-predator habitats.The divergence in Ucrit may also be due in part to variation in respiratory capacity.
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本书系根据中央人民政府卫生部『关于预防工作原则指示』『广泛进行救护防毒和细菌战的教育』的精神所编辑的『细菌战的防御法』。内容包括:1 细菌战的方式——敌人可能利用