Efficient Iteration Methods for Solitary Waves and Their Stability Spectra

来源 :International Conference Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applicat | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangbingcug
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  In this talk, we present a few new efficient iteration methods for the computation of solitary waves and their linear-stability spectra for general solitary waves in arbitrary spatial dimensions.On the computation of solitary waves, we present (i) an acceler ated imaginary-time evolution method with amplitude normalization [1]; (ii) a modified squared-operator iteration method [2].We show that method (i) converges faster than the Petviashvili method (when both methods converge), while method (ii) converges for all solitary waves.On the computation of discrete eigenvalues in the linear-stability spectra of solitary waves, we also present two iteration methods:(a) an original-operator iteration method [3]; (b) a modified squared-operator iteration method.
黄海冰语录很多东西只要够用就行了,没必要那么浪费。事业的辉煌绝不是靠奢华来展示。我倒不是舍不得,而是想自己到底有没有这个需求我觉得该省则省,不能省的绝不省! A lot
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