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目的分析湖北省2001-2009年本地间日疟流行现状和趋势,讨论在湖北消除疟疾的可能性。方法收集湖北省2001-2009年的疟疾网络疫情报告数,采用计数资料相对数分析法,依据世卫组织消除疟疾标准,以县(市、区)为单位,分析湖北省疟疾流行现状、趋势、和病例分布以及病例分布的规律。结果截至2009年底,全省年平均发病率在1/10000以下,整体发病呈下降趋势,1/10000以上的县(市、区)仅存2个,无病例报告的县(市、区)增加到41个。中华按蚊疟区84个县(市、区),连续三年以上无病例报告的县(市、区)18个;嗜人按蚊和中华按蚊复媒区18个县(市、区),连续三年以上无病例报告的县(市、区)为零。结论按照世卫组织的标准,湖北省整体疟疾疫情现状已进入消除阶段,但以县(市、区)为单位来分析,疫情分布极不平衡,嗜人按蚊区疟疾流行极不稳定,5年内在嗜人按蚊区消除疟疾难度极大,需加大落实综合性技术措施的力度和完善贯彻落实技术措施的外围配套体系和措施。 Objective To analyze the prevalence and trend of vivax malaria in Hubei Province during 2001-2009 and to discuss the possibility of eliminating malaria in Hubei. Methods The number of reported malaria cases in Hubei Province from 2001 to 2009 was collected. Based on the relative number analysis method of count data and the standard of eliminating malaria in WHO, the current situation and trend of malaria epidemic in Hubei Province were analyzed by counties (cities and districts) And the distribution of cases and the distribution of cases. Results As of the end of 2009, the average annual incidence in the province was under 1/10000, and the overall incidence showed a downward trend. Only two counties (cities and districts) with 1/10000 or more counties (cities and districts) with no reported cases were increased To 41. Eupolyphaga malaria districts 84 counties (cities, districts), for no more than three years reported cases of counties (cities, districts) 18; Anopheles anthropophagus and Anopheles vector area 18 counties (cities, districts) The counties (cities and districts) that reported no cases for more than three consecutive years had zero. Conclusion According to the standards of WHO, the status of the overall malaria epidemic in Hubei Province has entered the elimination phase. However, the distribution in the counties (cities and districts) is extremely unbalanced and the prevalence of malaria in the anopheles mosquito is extremely unstable. 5 During the year, it is extremely difficult to eliminate malaria in the area of ​​an anopheles anthropophagus. It is necessary to intensify the efforts to implement comprehensive technical measures and improve the peripheral supporting systems and measures for implementing and implementing technical measures.
Statistical and contextual information are typically used to detect moving regions in image sequences for a fixed camera.In this paper,we propose a fast and sta