Design and Characterization of PeptidesDepsipeptides as Anticancer Agents

来源 :2008中国深圳蛋白质和多肽科学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kissall
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  Several naturally occurring peptides and depsipeptides which include the cryptophycins,dolastatin 10,hemiasterlin,and phomopsin A have been found to be potent antimitotic agents,causing cell death at picomolar or low nanomolar concentrations.These compounds inhibit microtubule growth,modulate the dynamics of microtubules,and induce the self-association of tubulin dimers into single-walled rings and spirals.These peptides also exhibit mutual competitive inhibition in binding to beta-tubulin,while noncompetitively inhibiting the binding of vinblastine and vincristine to beta-tubulin.
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