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<正>The report will mainly introduce the following new features from dataphysics instruments: 1.Latest Innovations for Optical Contact Angle Measuring Instruments OCAxx Introduction of new series of OCA system OCA 50 and OCA 50 micro with following features: 1) standard camera speed of 130 images/sec with full resolution 2) intuitive operation of main function(fast positioning of sample stage,positioning of dosing position of E-MD/x and TD-DE,automatic "manual" positioning of ES-Dosing position,set of temperature,autofocus adjustment,tilt angle) by Touch-panel TP 50 and electronic wheel.In combination with the fully new internal electronic modules(so called SMA 3) the operation is really excellent - much faster -and much more smooth.New stepper motors operate completely smooth and without and shaking(especially for TBU important) 3) Upgrade of optional camera system to a maximum speed of 3000 image/sec 4) Multiple electronic dosing system TD-DE 5) ES-O(Oscillation with ES) 2.Latest Innovations for Dynamic Contact Angle Measuring Instruments and Tensiometers DCATxx 1) in second half of the year completely new SCAT software will be introduced,with a modern layout,pre-defined measurement procedures and also easily operable with touch-screen. 2) The new software will also contain a synchronizing tool in case of adhesion measurement with balance and camera.Each weighing value will be synchronized with a video image. 3.Latest Innovations for Spinning Drop Video Tensiometer SVTxx 1) now IFT measurements with "overheated water(surfactant solution)" at up to 130℃is possible.In combination with TPC 180 and special capillary set,water keep to be liquid at 130℃! 2) with new fast exchange and "disposable capillaries" and in combination with the stroboscopic lightning function,improved image quality can be achieved. 4.Latest Innovations for Humidity Generator and Controller HGCxx HGC controllable through SCA software.Humidity dependent CA-measurements possible.
目的:观察肱骨解剖颈骨折采用闭合复位经皮空心钉内固定的效果. 方法:选取近期收治的肱骨解剖颈骨折患者50例,全部采用闭合复位经皮空心钉内固定治疗. 记录患者治疗中各项指标,
随着数码相机进入普通家庭,数码彩扩行业的投资也日益火爆起来。很多朋友希望可以利用手中的资金进入这个行业。但是对大多数投资者来说,数码彩扩是陌生的,为此,我们特别请到了对数码彩扩有着亲身经历的业内人士张颖锋先生。希望通过他对这个项目的投资分析给您一个清晰的认识。  近几年,数码彩扩冲印市场已经开始呈现爆发的趋势。但回头看却不难发现,前两年投资数码彩扩的,差不多大部分已经“阵亡”了。造成这一情况的原因