The effect of Moral Rationalization on the Relationship Between Psychological Distance and Moral Jud

来源 :武汉市第五届科学年会心理学分会场:中国心理学会普通心理与实验心理分会代表大会暨2012年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljb16591504
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  BACKGROUND The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of moral rationalization as a moderator of the the association between psychological distance and moral judgment in the competitive sports.According to construal level theory,psychologically distant information is perceived as more abstract,general than psychologically proximal information,which is represented in more concrete,detailed terms.It was assumed if there were some rational excuses for immorally behaviours,people could tend to make moral judgment more leniently in psychologically proximal sport events which could occur in the near future or areas than in the distant future or areas in the study.METHODS 303 undergraduates were presented with a number of scenarios of sport events in which temporal (experiment 1) and spatial distance (experiment 2) was manipulated in a between-subjects design.It was examined that the effect of rational excuses on moral judgment in undergraduates.Moral judgment (extent undergrates perceived the moral problem in a sport event to be about justice) with and without the rational excuse is compared for two psychological distances (near future and distant future in experiment1; domestic areas and oversea areas in experiment 2).Thus,the design is a 2 X 2 factorial design.RESULTS As predicted,the results showed when people rationalized immoral behaviours,they were likely to make moral judgment more harshly in psychologically distant events than in psychological proximal events.CONCLUSION It may indicate that when people think more contextual details of a moral problem in a certain sport event,they may be less justice- oriented.
[摘 要] 本文根据所在电网接线的特点,结合电网运行中存在的影响A类电压合格率的相关因素进行了分析和总结,并提出相应的解决措施,以达到提高A类电压合格率的目的。  [关键词] 电压 无功 A类电压合格率  1.概述  电压是衡量电能质量的重要指标之一。电压质量对电力系统的安全稳定与经济运行,保证用户安全生产和产品质量以及电器设备的安全与寿命有着重要的影响。随着工农业生产和人民生活对用
一、选择品种及搭配茬口。 1.选择优良品种。西红柿选用毛粉802,豆角选用绿龙豆角。 2.合理搭配茬口。秋冬茬西红柿8月5日播种,9月25日定植,11月初开始采收,2月下旬拉秧;春
一、公路建设的投资 第二次世界大战,使原本就比较落后的日 本公路遭到了破坏。 随着战后日本经济的逐渐恢复和发展,公 路运输与经济活动之间的矛盾越加突出。如 1955年前后