
来源 :中国运筹学会排序专业委员会第八次代表会议暨2013年学术交流年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crying___leaf
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  We consider the following single machine online tradeoff scheduling problem.A set of n independent jobs arrive online over time.Each job Jj has a release da
  论文研究面向订单装配(assemble to order)环境下一组相近产品的生产调度问题,给定计划期各时段每种产品的出产计划,若一时段安排任意产品的生产,便会产生一笔主调整费用,同
  We consider the parallel machine scheduling problem,minimizing the makespan,where jobs arrive over time,(Ⅰ)on two uniform machines with speeds 1 and s≥1,a
  We consider several novel combinatorial optimization problems,which combine the classic shop scheduling problems(namely,flow shop scheduling,open shop sched
  We consider the problem of scheduling n deteriorating jobs with release dates on a single batching machine.Each job is either accepted and processed in batc
  We consider the online bounded-batch scheduling to minimize total weighted completion time on parallel machines.In the problem,a set of n independent jobs a
  We study two models of scheduling games: load-balancing games with and without activation costs,where every job corresponds to a self-interested player who
  本文研究了一种新的客户订单调度问题。假设有n 个客户订单需要在一台机器上加工,每个订单中都有k 个不同的工件。当工件被加工完后即可运给客户。同一个订单中的工件按照
  This paper deals with the robotic jobshop rescheduling problem with reentrant and parallel machines,where a part may visit some processing machines more tha