Magnetospheric vortices and their global effect after a negative solar wind dynamic pressure decreas

来源 :The Fourteenth International Solar Wind Conference (第十四届国际太阳 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:litao2006
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Using multi-point data from THEMIS,we report a magnetospheric vortex driven by a negative solar wind dynamic pressure pulse.The observed vortex,which was induced by a negative solar wind dynamic pressure pulse,rotated in an opposite direction to the vortex excited by a positive solar wind dynamic pressure pulse reported by Shi et al.[2014].The vortex is not static but movement in tailward.
采用助熔剂坩埚下降法生长出最大尺寸为20×20×35mm3 的Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbTiO3(PIN-PT)二元单晶,晶体外形呈现出自然生长面.XRD分析表明,该晶体具有纯钙钛矿相结构;利用电子探针显微分析仪(EPMA)分析了单晶的组成,在生长方向上PT含量存在差异,表明晶体生长过程中存在组分分凝;对单晶进行了定向并测试了其介电、压电、铁电性能,其中[001]方向单晶的室温相对介电
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