Changes in Extracellular Space Influence the Dynamics of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission during Ear

来源 :BIT`s 3rd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk-2012(2012第三届国际神 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guold
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  Glutamate uptake by transporters expressed in astrocytes combines with synaptic structure to regulate the time that synaptically released glutamate remains in the extracellular space and, consequently, the duration and location of postsynaptic receptor activation.Both factors change greatly in the rodent hippocampus during the second postnatal week when most synapses become established and begin to mature, processes that are influenced by synaptically released glutamate.Transporter expression increases, potentially speeding removal of synaptically released glutamate, whereas extracellular space decreases, thereby slowing dilution.We investigated whether these competing changes influence the glutamate concentration time course and postsynaptic responses in the CA1 region of the mouse hippocampus during this critical period of synaptic development.Our results suggest that the glutamate concentration time course remains relatively consistent over this period, although the primary mechanisms regulating glutamate clearance change.Before the second postnatal week, clearance of synaptically released glutamate depends primarily on diffusion into large extracellular spaces, whereas later in development it relies more on increased uptake capacity.Thus, increased transporter expression during this period accompanies structural changes in the neuropil, preserving a relatively consistent glutamate concentration time course and ensuring that postsynaptic receptor activation remains brief and primarily localized to receptors close to release sites.
一段时间,有关“反式脂肪酸”的话题频频见诸报端,成为热门话题,许多读者不禁要问——    什么是反式脂肪酸?    脂肪酸主要是由氢和碳原子组成的长链,根据其结构可以分成三大类:饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸。不饱和脂肪酸根据碳链上氢原子的位置。又可以分为两种,如果氢原子位于同一侧叫作顺式脂肪酸:如果氢原子位于两侧,就叫作反式脂肪酸。  食物的饱和脂肪酸主要来自动物产品和某些植物油(如
【摘要】本文基于语言迁移与三语习得理论及其对语言学习的影响,结合医学院校英语学习现状,以包头医学院蒙古族学生为例,分析三语环境下医学院校蒙古族大学生英语学习障碍,探讨相应的应对策略。  【关键词】语言迁移 三语习得 英语学习障碍 蒙古族学生 医学生  我国是多民族统一的国家,不同语言的差异使得少数民族学生大部分都经历了母语,汉语到英语的三语学习过程。在蒙古族学生的三语习得过程中,一语、二语与三语相